A year has gone by since we adopted our little sweetheart. Inevitably, this brings to mind all the changes that have been made in our lives. Raising an energetic 3 1/2 year old presents challenges that three old cats never did! We used to get up and go to bed whenever we wanted. Mandy Rose's schedule dictates differently. We used to watch whatever we wanted on TV. Now, we are regular watchers of "Little Einsteins", "Curious George", and "Mickey Mouse". We use to make regular excursions to visit family without much fuss. Now, we depart with our car loaded to the max and take twice as long to get there due to all those frequent potty breaks! The list goes on, but the point is, our lives are forever radically changed. And, we love it! We have a daughter who is more precious to us than any thing else.
A year ago, she got very nervous and anxious around other people. She was easily upset by new situations. Today, she is a social butterfly! She loves to meet new people and go new places!
A year ago, Mandy Rose weighed 26 pounds and was 33 inches tall. Her legs were covered with bug bites, scabs, and little scars. Her hair was just to her chin. Today, she weighs 30 pounds and is 36 3/4 inches tall. She has beautiful, soft brown skin. Her hair has grown at least 5 inches and I am able to even french braid it!
A year ago, she came to us speaking no English at all. That first night she started to repeat words after us. Today, she talks constantly! Sometimes, we wish she would be quiet for a bit! LOL!
We have often heard it said that this first year passes so quickly, but it seems that their child had been with them always. Now, we can fully relate to that statement. We don't really remember when Mandy Rose was not the center of our world, someone to be considered in every choice we make each day. This past year has just, "whoosh", flown by! Unfortunately, we know the years to come will pass all too quickly for us.
Daily, we thank God for the precious gift of Mandy Rose. We strive to be the best parents we can. Somedays, we blow it, but we love her through it all and she loves us!