Monday, November 30, 2009

Trimming the Tree!!

As soon as we got home from Greenleaf, we started preparing to put up our tree. It was quite nippy in our house because our heater went out Thanksgiving morning. Since we were headed out the door for 4 days, we decided to deal with it when we got home (or rather on Monday). We set up our space heaters, vacuumed the floor, and brought all the Christmas boxes in! Well, almost right away, we blew a breaker and lost power in our livingroom except for the overhead light! I was undeterred. We forged ahead and added calling the electrician to Monday's chores (the breaker was completely broken and had to be replaced).
I started the tradition last year of picking out an ornament for Mandy Rose each year. She chose Mickey Mouse for the second year in a row! This is the ornament that gets placed first. When she moves out on her own (don't think about that now, Momma!), she will have a nice collection to start her own tree with! After Daddy helped her with that first ornament, Mandy Rose kinda carefully handed the rest of the ornaments to Daddy to put on the tree. Her oohs and aahs as I opened each box were precious!
The First Ornament of 2009! Isn't it cute?
S0000 excited!!
The magic of a snow globe!!
The obligatory "in front of the tree" pose!!
We still need to puts up the house lights but, Christmas is in the air at the Wenzl household!! Yea!!

Thanksgiving & Family!!!

We spent a wonderful Thanksgiving at Grandma's & Grandpa's house in Greenleaf this year. 3 of the 5 brothers were able to attend, so the house was pretty full. Of course, little miss Mandy Rose was the center of attention most of the time! It really is quite wonderful to see how our family has fallen in love with her as much as we have! I found a terrific way for Mandy Rose to help prepare the Thanksgiving meal. Tearing up bread for stuffing is just made to order for almost 4 year olds! She was thrilled to be Momma's little helper!
Mandy Rose and Karen!!
On Saturday, we went geocaching with Gary's brother, Rich, his wife, Judy, and our niece, Karen. It was a beautiful day, custom made for caching! We found most of the caches on our list, saw some really pretty countryside, and scored some neato treasure for Mandy Rose!
One of our stops was a point on the Oregon Trail!
The joy of jumping!!
This is the LARGEST cache I have ever seen(note the briefcase in the backgrouond)! Mandy Rose got a really neat whistle!
Beautiful Girls!!
Tickle Annual Tradition!!
First a ride on Uncle Rich...
...then Karen got her turn!!
Unfortunately, Mandy Rose's computer doesn't get Facebook!!
Cousin Don coloring while Kaitie (Don's girlfriend) looks on!
Like I said, Mandy Rose loved being the center of attention! I can't believe she got Don to color for her!
I am thankful for my God, my daughter, my husband, and my family! I am thankful that we can all create memories together!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Friend's Birthday Party!!

We spent Saturday morning attending the birthday party of little miss Sophie M. She is turning 3 years old! She has only been home with her forever family for a few months, but is blossoming with them! We were thrilled to be allowed to help her family celebrate her birthday! They chose Chuck E. Cheese as the site for the affair. Mandy Rose had never been, but she took to it like a duck to water! She ran from game to game with her little token cup in hand! She scored enough tickets to obtain 2 plastic Chuck E. Cheese spoons and 2 lollipops! A real haul for a 3 year old! Probably 10 cents worth of product for $10 worth of tokens! Oh well, fun was had and that is really all that is important!
The sweet birthday girl!!
Chuck E. Cheese....Vegas for children!!
See my winnings?
Adorable Birthday Hats! Mom, do you have to take my picture in this thing?
Enjoying the obligatory cupcake!
A hug between precious!!

Fall Fun!!

Mandy Rose and Daddy "worked" raking leaves this past week. Daddy actually worked on raking...Mandy Rose "worked" on destroying the piles!! She had a ball and they actually got some leaves hauled to the compost pile. Such simple pure joy for a child!!
I still can't believe what a beatiful little girl we have! Mandy Rose was helping by pulling leaves off the tree!
Pretty girl!
Look at those piggies flying!!