Okay, let me preface this post with the fact that I am fully aware it has been almost 10 months since my last post. In my defense, I have been working my b*** off getting a degree in Medical Technology. I finished my last class on Thursday and start 5 months of clinical rotations mid-August. Soooo, there might not be too many posts in the near future either :) But, I could not pass up the opportunity to share about our trip to meet up with several families that we traveled to China with 3 years ago!
Mandy Rose and I took off on Thursday afternoon and drove 500 miles to meet up with 5 other families at a beautiful bed and breakfast just north of Colorado Springs. Thursday was our actual 3 year anniversary of "Gotcha" Day! Unfortunately, Daddy had to stay behind because he was scheduled to work. Mandy Rose was in tears as we took off (which made Daddy sad...but also helped him know that she does LOVE him! Sometimes he thinks she believes he is just a potted plant....who pays the bills!)

Our first day in Colorado included a trip to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. It was beautiful and blessedly cool compared to the near 110 degree weather we have been having in Kansas! Lots of neat animals....and a good workout for Momma since it was mostly hills and stairs :)

Mandy Rose appropriated the map and "supervised" our path through the zoo. She likes being in control and I have NO idea who she gets that from (heehee!)

There was something about the mountain air (or maybe all the hard playing) that had Mandy Rose sleeping in! I loved it! I took this picture of her not wanting to get up....just imagine a tiny voice saying "Nooooo!" That is until I told her the other girls were up and ready to play!

Beautiful girl!

One evening, they lit a fire and made s'mores for the girls! Such fun....and mega doses of sugar before bed!

One thing that all of us parents were amazed by is how these little girls, who had not seen each other in 3 years, were instant fast friends! They played together, without any fusses or fights, every hour they were awake! We had the bed and breakfast to ourselves almost the whole time and the girls just treated it like home. They moved from room to room playing with each other's toys...and occasionally checking in with the parental units! Mandy Rose really connected with little Miss Elizabeth!

Mandy Rose, Elizabeth, and Hannah enjoying their s'mores! Such precious girls!
Did I mention how much she liked her s'more?

There was a large volleyball court in the back yard at the B&B....otherwise known as a Mac Daddy sandbox! The grounds also included a playset and a two story playhouse with a complete kitchen! The Hideaway was the perfect place for our group to gather!

Having such a great time!

Goofy picture of my girl....she is definitely not easy to get to smile normally!

Goodbye Colorado!

Being goofy during a break in the drive back home!
All in all, we could not have asked for a better reunion! The girls had a blast! The parents got some great visiting in! We cried watching a video that one of our group made that included pictures from China, video of our actual "Gotcha" moments, and "Now" pictures of the girls from this weekend. We laughed, ate great food, shared stories....I just can't put in words how special the weekend was. We all met 3 years ago in China, but we truly got to know each other this weekend. Adoptive parents are just amazing human beings! I am so blessed!