Jamen turned four on the 23rd of October and we were able to be there to help him celebrate! My sister, Mandy, made this great fire truck cake! Then she let the kids have at it anyway they wanted! By the end of the weekend, the wheels, lights, and hoses were gone....and the frosting was smeared by little fingers! Not much actual cake was eaten, but Mandy Rose and Jamen were in heaven!

Covered in red icing!

My sister, Mandy, and I! She is a best friend to me and an awesome mom!

Let the present opening begin! We got Jamen a piano just like the Mandy Rose has. He always enjoys playing with hers when he comes to visit.

More presents!

And then, of course, the work of getting the presents out of the boxes!

Why does it always require a screwdriver? Sheesh!
Happy Birthday, Jamen! We love you!
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