Mandy Rose had a great first day! She had absolutely no issues with my leaving! I had to remind her as she was dashing off to find something fun to do, that Momma still needed a good-bye kiss! Sheesh! Momma likes to be missed a little bit...but it was more like, "Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" Then, when I picked her up they were out on the playground. She saw me, waved, and dashed off for another go at the slide!
There are just 10 kids in Mandy Rose's class, but there is another adoptive kiddo! Isn't that cool? She is from Korea and her parents used the same agency as us. In fact, her mom remembers us from a Holt picnic a couple of years ago before we got our referral! Small world syndrome strikes again! I had planned on donating some adoption themed books to the preschool so that Mandy Rose's family story could be talked about sometimes too. But, especially now that there is another little one with a similar family makeup! I talked with Mrs. Shirley and Mrs. Nelson and they were very open to including that in their curriculum! I have ordered 5 books and I can't wait until they get here and I can give them to the school! I also plan on bringing something to celebrate the Moon Festival and Chinese New Year when they come around! It is great that her teachers are so positive about doing this!
I am really looking forward to all the neat things Mandy Rose is going to learn at preschool. And, the new friends she will make! I am going to be helping out from time to time as a parent helper and that will be cool! It will give me a chance to observe her in that environment. See how she tackles her world on her own!
Your Mandy Rose is absolutely precious! How blessed you are!