Swinging with Daddy! Aren't they cute?!
We started the day warming up on the swings! Last year, we thought that was all she was going to do! This year, just a few minutes worth and she was ready for something new! After checking out the goats, rabbits, chickens, and alpacas, Mandy Rose spotted the BIG slide! Her friend, Cassidy, graciously went down with her a couple of times! She was all smiles!
Cassidy and Mandy Rose on the slide!
Next, came the zip line! I would probably have not thought she was big enough for this yet except she does this each week at gymnastics! She still looked awfully little, but she held on! She had such a look of determination on her little face!
After the zip line, the little kids rode the "train". Mandy Rose looked at us as she pulled away like she wasn't quite sure about this. She was all smiles again when they returned! She told us it was "bumpy"!
Finally, it was time to ride out to the pumpkin patch. Once we got out there, Mandy Rose wandered around looking for the perfect "little punkin". Every time we pointed one out and asked her if that was the one, she would say, "Nope!" Eventually, we gave her a choice of a couple and she picked one. We could have been there all day!!! Daddy got his pumpkin and we were ready to ride back!
We finished up by choosing some neat gourds to decorate with and paid for our stash! The day was wonderful! We had perfect fall weather...sunny, a bit cool, but not windy! We also got to share it with good friends! Afterwards, we shared a yummy supper of chili at the Dresher's house while the kids played! A great new tradition!!!
Ohh, How fun! Mandy Rose certainely looks like she did find the perfect little pumpkin. What a little cutie! She looks to be quite adventureous.....what a fun day it looks like she had.