Mandy Rose is becoming very interested in imaginative play lately! She is constantly acting out the events she is witnessing in her day-to-day life. For example, shopping is a favorite game at our house now! She loads a basket with her "items" and comes to me to check her out. Then, I have to hand her a slip of paper that is her receipt. She says "thank you" and I say "thanks for shopping"! Another example of her acting out what she is seeing happened this evening. A few weeks ago, when we went to Karen's graduation, Mandy Rose was fascinated by the fact that her other cousin, Jessica, was pregnant. She asked fourteen hundred times on the way home from Almena, "Now, where is that baby?" Thankfully, she has yet to ask how it got in there!! That's a conversation for another day! LOL! Jessica had her little boy a few days later and Mandy Rose has enjoyed seeing pictures of the baby that used to be the BUMP in Jessica's tummy! Tonight, she shoved her jammies under her shirt and pretended to have a baby in her tummy too!
Off to Honduras! ðŸ‡ðŸ‡³
5 years ago
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