Four year olds are fabulous! I love this age! We are really seeing Mandy Rose's personality develop and shine. She is naturally funny....and very bright! (I might be a little biased, but I'm her Momma. I'm supposed to be!) We wanted to record some of the many unique things that Mandy Rose says day to day; they exemplify her silly, exuberant personality!
Where does Daddy work, Mandy Rose?...."At the hossypital!"
One of her favorite movies lately is Finding Nemo. She has taken to getting in your face and quoting Dory's line, "Do you want a piece of me? Do ya? Do ya? Do ya?" If you ask her the same question, she will look you square in the eye and say, "Yes, I do!"
Mandy Rose is very much into dinosaurs right now. She was describing herself the other day. "I'm pretty. I'm funny. And, I'm a T-Rex!"
She has long been very interested in the moon. Now her interest is expanding to the stars. Daddy has been studying astronomy so he can tell her what the names of the stars are. She now confidently points out the planet Venus on the horizon in the evenings. Then, she will ask, "Where's Arcturus?" How many 4 year olds have that in their vocabulary?
Mandy Rose spent a weekend with her Aunt Michi and Michi's boyfriend, who is a farmer. Ever since that weekend, she excitedly yells "Big round bales!" every time she sees any! She got to feed cattle with them and knows what they are for. When we are driving in the country, she will keep exclaiming at each appearance of more bales. Pretty soon, she says, "There EVERYWHERE!"
Other common outbursts while driving include announcing places that she recognizes. She yells, "That's where Mrs. McClain works!" when we pass the school where she gets speech therapy. Or, "That's where we get steam buns!" when we pass our favorite Chinese restaurant. These announcements are made EVERY SINGLE TIME we pass these places! And, always with the same degree of exaggerated enthusiasm!
This year in preschool, Mandy Rose learned how to write all the letters of her name. Now, you have to look at "the big picture" to see her name as they are not yet in a line. They are randomly dispersed all over the page...but they are all there. Whenever she sees an "M" on anything, she will say, "Up, down, up, down. That says Mandy Rose!" She gets a kick out of the Miracle Whip jar because it has a "M" and a "W" on the front. We tell her that means it is her bottle! Heehee!
Lately, she has become very interested in praying at meal times. Sometimes, she forgets until midway through the meal and then she claps her hands together and says "I want to pray!" We must fold our hands together too. She prays first and then announces whose turn is next. We all have to say our individual prayers before the meal continues. I love her little heart and the fact that she is learning to express her gratitude to God. When she first started this habit, she wouldn't always get the "G" put on God. Her prayers would start, "Dear 'od...." So cute!!!
Mandy Rose loves to help me cook! She drops everything when I announce we are going to make banana bread or cookies. She knows her role in these projects. She will tell me, "Momma, you measure. I dump!" Gary calls her the little "dumperumper!" She always giggles and tells him "That's punny!"
Daddy plays another game with Mandy Rose regarding Delilah's name. Gary is NOT a dog person and the only reason we have a dog is because he ADORES his little girl and she desperately wanted one. He always refers to Delilah as "Mutt". Mandy Rose will argue.
Daddy, "Mutt!"
Mandy Rose, "Delilah!"
Daddy, "Mutt!"
Mandy Rose, "Delilah!"
Daddy, "Mutt!"
Mandy Rose, "Delilah!"
Daddy, "Delilah!"
Mandy Rose, "Mutt!" :)
Last, but not least, Mandy Rose has problems making the "f" sound. She mispronounces the word "fish" and everyone thinks it is hilarious!! She says "b*tch" instead. When we were playing in the pool one day, she was using her noodle to "fish" for me. I had hold of one end and she had the other end trying to "reel" me in. I kept saying, "I don't wanna get caught!" Finally, she said, "Out of the water, b*tch!" I thought my sister was gonna choke she was laughing so hard!!
Well, there you have it! A glimpse into the world and mind of little miss Mandy Rose!