So, it is summertime in Kansas! We have been keeping very busy! Mandy Rose has been going to swim lessons for 3 weeks now and is doing fabulously! She loves the water and is performing all the tasks put to her by her instructor. She delights in going all the way under the water and retrieving toys from the bottom of the pool! I am very proud of her achievements! We have also been swimming with the Dresher's, went to a Wingnuts baseball game (again with our favorite people, the Dresher's), gone geocaching a few times, grilled out alot, and have been making regular trips to the zoo.

We are extremely fortunate that our local zoo is such a nice one. They keep adding new things and new habitats for the animals. The zoo has really cool gorilla, tiger, lion, chimpanzee, and penguin exhibits. They are in the process of developing a new elephant habitat too! We have a family pass, so we don't have to feel like doing the whole zoo each time. We can pick and choose which animals we are interested in that day.

During this visit, the giraffe feeding station was open! Mandy Rose had so much fun feeding cottonwood leaves to the giraffes. She had no fear of them at all...getting very close to feed them each leaf. It was really amazing to watch her and so fun for her to have this experience!

We got to be so close to these beautiful creatures!

Their muzzles were so soft!

Mandy Rose insisted on taking the obligatory picture with the gorilla statue. Of course, she was tired of it by the time Momma got the pose she wanted! LOL!

Another posed picture, but I thought it was so cute! The first time she buried her face in the flower and got covered with pollen! Fortunately, she doesn't seem to have any allergies!

I love this picture! This is from another trip to the zoo. We were watching the gorillas being fed and Mandy Rose was mesmerized! You can see the reflection of her eyes in the glass.

Our cheesy-smiling girl!! Having lots of summertime fun!
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